File a Claim

File a Claim

Genworth Guide to Making a Claim

Is this the right time for you to file a Long Term Care (LTC) claim? You should begin the claim initiation process if any of the following apply to your situation:

  • You have long term care services in place and want to claim benefits.
  • You recently had long term care services in place and want to claim benefits.
  • You expect to put long term care services in place within the next two weeks.


By logging onto MyGenworth, you can initiate a claim or check the status of an existing claim. You can also contact the Long Term Care Claims team at 800 876.4582.

* If you are currently receiving Long Term Care services, please keep all invoices, receipts and details of care.

LTC Claims FAQs

Is your Long Term Care Policy or Certificate In-Force?
To verify that your policy or certificate is in-force, please contact us at 800.456.7766. You will need to have your social security number, date of birth and policy or certificate number available.

Who may initiate your Long Term Care Claim?

Who will manage your claim?
You or your legal representative. You are not required to elect an attorney-in-fact using a Power of Attorney. However, your personal claim information (health and financial) is accessible only by you or your legal representative(s). If you have a Power of Attorney, submit their name to remain on file to avoid potential delays.

What are your Policy or Certificate eligibility requirements?
Genworth recommends that you read and have a general understanding of your policy or certificate, as it outlines the specific requirements that you must meet before you may access your Long Term Care Benefits.

What are the eligibility requirements for your Care Provider(s)?
Care providers may also need to meet specific policy or certificate criteria; however, obtaining care before initiating a claim is not required.

  • Genworth offers a no-cost service to assist in locating providers in your area. For more information contact CareScout directly online portal for locating providers. Opens in a new window or at 800.571.1918, extension 800.
  • If you intend to move into a facility, Genworth also offers a Facility Inquiry to assist in determining if the provider satisfies your policy or certificate requirements before your admission. For more information on this no-cost, non-contractual service contact Long Term Care Claims at 800.876.4582.

Note: Only Genworth Policyholders, Certificate Holders or their Power of Attorney may register and access their account information online. If you wish to initiate a claim on behalf of an Insured person, please contact Long Term Care Claims at 800.876.4582. You will need the Insured person's full name, social security number, date of birth and policy or certificate number available.

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